The 8th ACER Week, held from 2 to 6 October 2023, at The Ravenala Attitude Hotel, Balaclava, attracted participation from various local and international stakeholders. Amongst, policymakers, sector regulators, legal practitioners, businessmen and regional competition authorities.

The ACER Week, a joint initiative of the Competition Commission and the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) of the University of Johannesburg, comprised professional training programmes and a conference. International experts participated as speakers and facilitators at the event, amongst Prof Frédéric Jenny, Chairperson of the OECD Competition Committee; Mr. John Davies, UK Competition Appeal Tribunal member; Ms. Nelly Sakata, Attorney of the High Court of South Africa; Ms. Yasmin Carrim, Acting judge in the Gauteng Division of the High Court (Johannesburg); Mr. Rory Macmillan, Partner at Macmillan Keck Attorneys and Solicitors, Geneva; Prof Marek Martyniszyn, Professor at Queen’s University Belfast among others.

The ACER professional training programmes were held during 2 – 4 October

ACER Conference (5 – 6 October)

Honourable Dr Marie Christiane Dorine Chukowry, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Protection opened the conference on 5 October.

Prof Frédéric Jenny was the keynote speaker at the conference.

Mr Deshmuk Kowlessur, Executive Director of the Competition Commission, shared his insights in the opening panel discussion on the effectiveness of conducting market studies and regulatory reviews in shaping competitive markets.