The present ACER Week introduces a new professional training programme on “Key Principles for Assessing Evidence in Competition Tribunals and Courts” being held this Wednesday 4 October.
The one-day intensive course covers decision-making in key areas of competition law, the application of economic concepts in decisions, the challenges faced in hearing evidence and in writing decisions as well as lessons from successes and failures in different jurisdictions.


The course facilitators include Prof Frédéric Jenny (Chair of the OECD Competition Committee and former Judge of the Supreme Court of France); Ms Yasmin Carrim (Acting judge in the Gauteng Division of the High Court (Johannesburg) and former full time member of the Competition Tribunal of South Africa) and Mr John Davies (UK Competition Appeal Tribunal Member). Dr Thando Vilakazi (Executive Director of CCRED at University of Johannesburg, and Part-time Member at the Competition Tribunal of South Africa) will also facilitate discussions in the session.