The Executive Director is duty bound under Section 51 of the Competition Act 2007 to investigate restrictive business practices where he has reasonable grounds to believe that such practice is occurring or about to occur and to report his findings together with recommendations on remedial actions such as directions and fines, to the Commission.

The Executive Director has wide powers of investigation under sections 52 and 53 of the Act.

List of Investigations (Ongoing)

Ref Title Nature & Issues Status
INV 076 Proposed Merger involving Swan Securities Ltd and Capital Markets Brokers Ltd Merger Ongoing
INV 066 Investigation into possible cartel by insurance companies Collusive Agreement Ongoing
INV 069 Investigation into possible price-fixing cartel in the pharmaceutical sector Collusive Agreement Ongoing
INV 072 Potential exclusivity arrangements put in place by TNS Tobacco Company Limited in relation to the distribution of cigarettes Abuse of Monopoly Ongoing
INV 057 PAYG mobile data of Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd Abuse of Monopoly Ongoing
INV 056 PAYG mobile data of Emtel Ltd Abuse of Monopoly Ongoing
There are also 9 Ongoing cartel investigations.