Abuse of Monopoly (state section e.g. 46(2)(a), bid rigging section 42, undertakings, leniency etc..

List of Investigations for Abuse of Monopoly

Start date Ref Title Nature & Issues Status
19-07-24 INV 072 Potential exclusivity arrangements put in place by TNS Tobacco Company Limited in relation to the distribution of cigarettes Abuse of Monopoly Ongoing
13-04-23 INV 061 Motor Vehicle Spare Parts Abuse of Monopoly Completed
8-08-22 INV 062 Shopping Mall Abuse of Monopoly Completed
7-09-21 INV 059 Supply of freight services by Betamax Ltd Abuse of Monopoly On-hold
1-06-21 INV 057 PAYG mobile data of Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd Abuse of Monopoly Ongoing
1-06-21 INV 056 PAYG mobile data of Emtel Ltd Abuse of Monopoly Ongoing
11-08-19 INV 049 Fixture Lists Abuse of Monopoly On-hold
11-08-19 INV 043 Fly Ash Abuse of Monopoly Completed
11-08-19 INV 034 Pricing of Mobile Telephony Services Abuse of Monopoly Submitted-to-Commission
11-08-19 INV 029 Investigation into cross-border money transfer services Abuse of Monopoly Completed
11-08-19 INV 035 Hire Purchase Abuse of Monopoly Completed
11-08-19 INV 024 Image-based clearing solutions provided to commercial banks Abuse of Monopoly Completed
11-08-19 INV 040 Online Real Estate Listing Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 020 Payment Cards Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 019 Supply of coolers to retailers by Phoenix Beverages Ltd and Quality Beverages Ltd Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 016 Alleged abuse of monopoly power in the supply of secondary school books Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 014 Supply of Replacement Automatic Electronic Ignition Keys and Related Synchronizing services by distributors of new cars Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 012 Market for Telecommunications Manhole Covers Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 009 MyT and Bundled Internet Access Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 007 Bundling of Insurance Products and Credit in the Banking sector Abuse of Monopoly Completed
23-06-19 INV 001 Kraft and General Rebates Abuse of Monopoly Completed